Oh, the Places You’ll be Found (on the Internet)!

This week’s assignment was to Google your name in an incognito browser window and see what you find of yourself on the Internet. When I read this assignment, I felt that this would be a very boring search for me. My name is very generic, so going into this I didn’t expect to find anything about me.

My first search was just my name (and my nickname, which I tend to go by on social media). On that initial search, I came up with nothing pertaining to me; I even scanned multiple Google result pages, and nothing showed.

I then went and searched [“(my full name)” Camarillo], and finally a result showed! And these two results were things I didn’t even know were up. The 6th link down was a link to my old Goodreads account that I forgot I had. The 7th link down was a link to an ebook of a compilation book I participated in (and was published in) during middle school. I didn’t know that that book was available as an ebook so it was a surprise to see that there. Other than that, I only found news links that were about other people with my name.

After this first find, I was excited—and nervous—to see what else I would find. I went on to search both my full name and my nickname in quotes along with different social media platforms that I know I use and am active on currently. A series of searches ensued, and I couldn’t find my Facebook, YouTube, or my Tumblr. However, I did find my Instagram! It was the 6th link down on my search of [“my nick name” Instagram]. Normally, I wouldn’t be surprised to find my social media accounts on Google, because I’m very active on the Internet, but I didn’t expect to see my Instagram on a website that wasn’t Instagram! It was on some weird website that claimed to be the “Instagram Web Viewer.” Though, I guess it makes sense because Instagram is only for smartphone users, really.

Now that I’ve completed my online audit of myself, I’m not too surprised to not find anything of myself on the web. Although, after these searches, I think I do need to spend some time to make my name stand out among the hoards of people with my name. It’s important for my future employers, and even friends and family, to be able to find me easily if they need to get in contact with me! I’m considering making a LinkedIn profile for my professional side, and I’m looking into different ways I can make my name known.