One last one for the road…

On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with submitting your blog posts and learning activities in a timely manner?


On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent and timely were you with participation posts on your peer’s blogs, GooglePresentation Discussions and VoiceThread comments.


Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and participation.

I feel like one of my strengths in regards to my blogging would be that I attempted to keep all of my posts as personal as possible, by doing so I wanted others to see were I stood.  I also noted that when I would comment on my peers posts I would always try to leave a positive comment behind and point out if we happened to agree on something or if we came to the same conclusion. Other than leaving a positive comment, I would also post follow up questions when I felt that there could be a bit more explanation or when I had questions in regards to where they ended their post.

Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.

One way in which I think that I could have improved in would have been checking back onto the site more frquently than what I had been doing throughout the semester. Some of the comments that were left behind by my classmates were very interesting follow up questions that really took what I had originally written to a new level.  In regards to the aspect of blogging, this is very new to me, and I feel like any minor change on my behalf could improve my blogging. For example, one way could be by planning out my posts, by doing this I feel like there could have been a better flow to my posts.

What were strengths of the course (optional)?

One of the strengths of this course would be the introduction to new aspects of technology that could be potentially be used in a classroom setting or any other setting for that matter. I feel like it was one of the things that I really enjoyed the most from the course, was learning about new applications that could facilitate or give a twist to how we would normally go about doing an activity.

What advice do you have for individuals who take this class in the future (optional)?

One thing that I would suggest would be to give yourself time in regards to posting your activities. Although technology is great because it makes things easier, it’s not always as reliant as you might think.  That said this class offers a variety of different applications that can be used to do different activities, so I would suggest to be open to the new concepts and ask as many questions as needed to clarify any confusions.