One World… Two Identities…

With technology becoming more and more prominent each day, it is nearly impossible for individuals to stray away from developing a digital identity. What is a digital identity? A digital identity is an identity constructed from information that is put forth on the internet about yourself. This digital identity can be viewed by anyone. Just because this identity exists in cyberspace does not mean it is not important. In today’s world, a digital identity can make or break your career.

While reading through the assigned articles, I came across an interesting statement. In the article titled Protecting Your Online Reputation: 4 Things You Need to Know [INFOGRAPHIC], it was mentioned that being digitally non-existent can actually affect you in a negative way. I always believed that it was the other way around. I thought that those individuals who had managed to not develop a digital identity were better off than those of us who had. My reason for thinking this was that those with no digital identity do not have to worry about negative information coming back to haunt them.

Being in a leadership position means that you have a spotlight on you at all times. You can no longer act carelessly; you have to lead by example if you truly want to fulfill this position correctly. One’s digital identity should be thought of in the same manner. One must watch what they post on social media (as well as what is posted about them). One must be able to talk the talk and walk the walk for others to truly respect them as a leader and take their advice seriously. Individuals in leadership positions can not be engaging in cyber bullying, nor can they be posting about drinking, drugs, partying, or anything of the like. They must act in a mature and professional manner.

Currently, I am active on a few social media cites. I believe that up to now, I have done a good job at creating a positive digital identity for myself. I plan to maintain this good identity and make it stronger. In this class, I will be creating my own website. There is were I plan to truly solidify my identity. I plan to use the techniques that I will learn throughout this  semester to build a website that truly represents me, my achievements, and my goals. I hope that through my website, I will be able to create a positive digital presence that will assist in my hiring with future employers.