Our Experience

In the beginning of the semester, Management 492 class, with a total of 14 students, took a trip to the Santa Rosa Island, to visit the Channel Islands research station and to experience first hand what travelers may endure while at Santa Rosa Island. The boat trip to Santa Rosa Island was an experience in itself, leaving the Ventura Harbor for an approximately 2 hour boat ride, and docking at the islands pier was a great time. Seeing the mainland start to fade away the further out to sea we traveled was a rush, while the islands we saw from a distance well on the mainland, grew bigger and bigger. You couldn’t help but notice the beautiful island beaches with sand that looked like it had been purified in a way, the sand almost looked completely white. Once we got to the bunkhouse we all scattered to claim rooms and check out what we will call home for the next couple days. After getting settled we took a trip down to the beach right next to the pier and walked about mile down. The hikes were the best part of the trip, as well as Cause Hanna sharing knowledge with us throughout the first hike. Walking through the island is like descovering a whole new world that you never experienced before, its so peaceful and full of adventure with every step you take. Lobo Canyon was a great hike to experience, the best part was the isolated beach at the end of hike, it was almost like a private beach. Our overall experience was great, visiting Santa Rosa Island is something every CI students should experience.

-Mgt. 492