Oxford University 

Before we made the trip out to London each of us had to present on a certain point of interest in London, mine was Oxford university. Each place that was presented seemed to turn out as their favorite spot in London, because of the extra connection made through the research, and Oxford was no different for me. What interested me about Oxford was that the setup for the school was so much different than any I have seen. The university was broken up into colleges in which student attended those, there is not just one Oxford but many. While the tour guide was talking in even more depth about the colleges and the famous writers, and intellectuals, the impact of the college was even greater. Not only that but the town itself was amazing as well, it is a true college town. Also as it turns out, I ate some of the best food I have had in London as well. It was an amazing experience, and wish I could spend more time exploring and understanding Oxford even more.