Part 2

So I searched for scholarly articles on the topic of affordability of college and I found a lot of African Americans not being able to reach for higher education because its too expensive for them type articles. I understood it but I didn’t really get it. Is that only including the people that aren’t awarded financial aid and they pay out of pocket for the whole lot of it? I found it annoying I’m not going sugar coat my feelings. I thought every time I saw it get off my page aaggghhhh. It made me angry; here’s why: I understand we’re a minority, poor, not afforded the advantage of others, as well as dealt many unfortunate circumstances in life. But don’t just take the whole population and write us off. Not everyone chooses to get a higher level of education. While others do what they have to do to get there. I don’t want to rant or go on a tangent but the fact is I feel like that was a small sample of the population or something. Most African American people cant afford higher education but they have options to be able to afford college. Some people just decided not to go or didn’t really look into it and for some their life took a detour. So don’t say they aren’t going because its not affordable. But because sometimes its not an option.

Any who that’s what I found a lot of and decided to share my thoughts on it.