Participation Attempts Continued (Challenge 5.2)

This week’s assignment was to continue participation in social media. Similar to my results last week, I did not get feedback from the many users of the Internet. I went to Instagram to attempt to make contact with other users. I commented on several images that were shared in the #lgbtrepresentation tag asking how users felt about representation in the media with the preface that I’m gathering information for a class. I did not receive any replies.

While this was somewhat discouraging, I continued to at the very least lurk the Internet while awaiting responses to my comments and replies to posts. I looked to Twitter for different accounts that I felt had active users that spoke about LGBT rights and topics, and I found the @BuzzFeedLGBT account! I thought that this account was a very good source especially because BuzzFeed is a site that many young adults browse for information (whether that information is a food recipe or something more worthwhile). I scrolled through their feed and favorited some tweets, but I did not find anything that I felt warranted a retweet.

Unfortunately, from Tuesday to Saturday, I came down with a cold and this limited the amount of time I spent online. Because of this, I did not do too much participation or any browsing online. Hopefully this week, I will be able to commit more time to the assignment at hand. In the meantime, I may continue to participate online; maybe this week will produce more activity!