Peer Educator Ethics

  • You are talking with a student who describes having taken part in an activity that, if caught, would probably be a felony. The persons says this rather casually and even asserts rather boldly that nothing of consequence “happened.”

The principles applicable to this situation include principle ten, principle three, and principle one. Principle ten because as a peer educator I need to take responsible action when hearing about illegal behavior, in this situation there is illegal behavior. Principle three because if I am doubting myself on my ability to handle the situation I need to consult with my supervisor immediately in order to properly carry out the situation. Last Principle one because I have to be careful in crossing my limits and training on how to respond to such a situation.

  1. Describe some different ways for dealing with each situation

One different way of dealing with this situation I feel not just confronting the students and laying down the foundation of norms and consequences but, reaching out to the student as a role model. Explain to the student that such activity is not worth jeopardizing the opportunities they have, relate to them with struggles you’ve dealt with similar. Explain that they are “here” for a reason and that is not the direction they need to take for they’ve worked hard to get where they are at. Give the student a change of perception they can feed off of, illuminate a brighter path for them.

2.What are the consequences of possible follow-up actions?

If the student continues such behavior as a peer educator I feel it is my duty to report this activity to the highest level of expertise in order to carry out the right consequences. The student will be reported.

  • You are very attracted to a person you have tutored in the past couple of weeks, you would really like to ask that person out. You are looking for a “go between” friend to check out the situation for a “yes” or “no” interest without having to directly ask the other party.

The principles applicable to this situation include Principle five, Principle eight and Principle nine. Principle five because even thought you were to find someone very attractive it is still your obligation to show respect and dignity to not just the person you find attractive but other individuals around them as well. Principle eight I feel the most important in this situation I also feel it has correlation with principle five. Principle eight elaborates acting appropriately when working with someone you find attractive, this can compromise your job or position as a peer leader. Principle nine because knowing the emotions of the person your attracted to can compromise your well being. She/he may tell you things that you feel deeply and affect your ability to perform.

  1. Describe some different ways for dealing with each situation

I feel the best way to deal with this situation is to put your job or leadership position before your desires or attractions. I feel you can still get to know that person and be friends, you should always show respect for that person and serve as a role model. Plus it would give you time to get to know that person, your first priority is to serve as a peer educator.

2.What are the consequences of possible follow-up actions?

Some consequences of pursuing that person your attracted to may result in release from your leadership position. You may lose your credibility to serve as a peer educator. Also you may end up messing up your relationship with this person.