Peer Reviewed Articles

So this week my assignment was to look up my topic, the LGBT community, and find it on a database  to look for peer reviewed articles.

What I found out that there was a lot of articles to my surprise. I searched from the database Academic Search Premier and categorized it under the Communications field of study, as it is my major. I did not, however, type my search topic under quotations; I wanted to see how many results I would find if I didn’t. I found two that I liked and read them. One was about the LGBT history which I found to be fascinating. I knew about LGBT history before but I did learn a thing or two, like how LGBT history is mostly about gay men. That is only talking about one account, there is much history that is missing and I for one want to learn about it.

The second article was about LGBT oppression and I know that sounds a bit cliche but it is an important topic that needs to be addressed. So I read the article and it talked about norms, what is seen as normal in society. I found out that in a lot of cases, and this article specialized in schools, the LGBT students were harassed by not only the other students but by staff as well. Then the article addressed how integration between races had set up a dialogue between the two and how eventually everything got better. Certainly there are still some issues out there but it’s not nearly as bad as it once was. So since there has been integration of LGBT people, well there always has been but people are now aware of it, there is a glimmer of hope that one day the oppression of LGBT people will be a thing of the past.

Side note; there were a lot, and I mean tons, of articles addressing transgendered individuals. There were also very few to no articles about lesbians. This was all very interesting.