
Phoslo (Calcium Acetate)

By Linda Schoch and Riley Friedl

Who: People who suffer from end stage renal disease get this drug

What: This drug is classified as a mineral and electrolyte replacement supplement, it works by binding to phosphate in the body, with forms a insoluble calcium phosphate complex this helps to facilitate excretion. Pharmacokinetics: absorbed through GI and it requires vit D to be used in the body, it spreads through body and can be found in breast milk and placenta, it is excreted in the feces (largest %) and the rest through the urine.

When: Dosing is 1334 mg with/before each meal

Where: This drug is given in the hospital and patients can also take it at home as well as long as they are monitoring for symptoms of hypercalcemia.

Why: this drug controls hyperphosphatemia due to the fact that ESRD patients tend to have high levels of P

How: it is given PO, with or before meals, and it is important to monitor the serum Ca and P levels, if the patient is on digoxin then monitor for s/s of toxicity. The most common side effects include: constipation, arrhythmia, bradycardia, nausea, vomiting, and renal calci.