Pinch me, I must be dreaming

someone please pinch me so I know this is really happening! I’ve dreamed about traveling all over the world for as long as I could remember, but my first destination was always London, England. I would beg my mom when o was younger to “please ship me off to England! Just for a day!” I’ve always been so captured by the history, and the culture there. That’s why almost 24 hours till departure I’m sitting here thinking this must be a dream. 

At one point I had given up on traveling to England while at school, I’d look at the requirements, how much it costed, and how long id be gone for and settled with the idea that I’d just have to wait and go when I’m rich basically. But then this gem of an opportunity came along giving me the chance to truly live out one of my dreams while studying communication and design. I think it’s extreamly exciting to actually get to see some of the buildings we’ve been studying in person. I think I’m most excited to see Stonehenge, and visit Oxford university. I’ve learned so much about different styles of architecture ranging from gothic to modern styles that just seeing them in person will feel unreal.

My emotions are so mixed up right now I’m excited, nervous, anxious but most of all grateful. Grateful to my parents for encouraging me to even apply, grateful for the support of friends, family and staff members at CI and grateful to Dr. J for giving me this opportunity. 

I’ve never been outside the country so I know this experience will be pretty different for me but I’m so ready to take on all the interesting adventures that come my way. It truly is crazy how things come into your life when you least expect it I truly thought I wouldn’t make it into the class but here I am! I don’t think I’ll fully accept this being real till I’m on my way to LAX and my mom finally tells me to quit asking people to pinch me! 
