Place Does Matter

Sergio Cordon

University 298

Professor Sanchez


Place Does Matter

Place can be said to be where we come from or where we are headed. There are also various places that you can head to base on the direction you’re going and the choices you make. It can also influence your personality, the way you think, those you interact with and whether it was a positive or negative aspect. Where you are can be said to determine what your future will be because of many different variables that could lead you to have a successful life or having reached a bad ending because you got involved with the wrong crowd. If you choose a place based on your own decision that you think is good for you then it will end up subconsciously influencing you to do good things or becoming a Good Samaritan. That’s why when people say “place matters” it could be the most important factor in an individual’s mind.


Most people go about their lives knowing sometimes knowing and other times that the place they live can have a big impact on his/herself. For instance, in the movie “Crashed” many people from all walks of life in L.A. were affected in their lives because of the places they live in and were all connected despite being in different areas. Whether it’s the same they suffered problems to some degree because of the places they were in and got sometimes because of the situation. Places can affect people both good and bad regardless of who they talk or belong to. This movie helped me link the importance of place not because of only problems and worries but also success and happiness. Some groups were able to prosper because the place they live motivated them to make a change in themselves and vice-versa. Where you’re from can affect the outcome of your life and with those around you regardless of where you come from or where you’re going too.


The articles that I chose for this assignment are “An Introduction to GIS” by Silas Reed and “The Use of Geospatial Technologies in Geographical Information Systems”. For both articles they go over the fundamentals of how place can affect people in either one area or several at once and how they also work in tandem. They both use GIS because they focus on a certain area and compare everything from statistics of the number of people there to the streets, landscape and even the space as well is included. For instance, they say “was formed with the help of aerial photography, photogrammetry, land surveying, remote sensing, mathematics, and geography” (Reed Paragraph 1). This shows that GIS is a one- stop shop for all information and data related to “place”. Place can also aid in my discipline mainly for the geographical data and for the estimated numbers in certain groups. Another example is “GIS solutions are reflected on everyone’s desk, smart phone and the like” (Use of Geospatial Technologies Paragraph 4). It’s used in my Biology major as part of the population count and geographical data of not only people but also other animals like birds, insects, and fish. By using the mapping and geography maps in an area like the amazon we can outline different species habitats, territories and also which areas can be designated for wildlife preservation. Not only with current ones but also new species as well and in doing so securing new records and designating restricted areas for people to enter with these only being a few of their uses and advantages.


With “place” being what most may or may not be concerned about it still a good part of who we currently are and will inevitably come. People can come from anywhere and yet can still turn out differently from what one might expect. Sometimes these changes are miniscule and others major to how it will affect varies from person to person. Some people may also not be able to understand it all before they realize it. Place is where we are and with those around us and can change how people will view others in a great way but so long as you don’t forget where you come from you won’t lose sight of your goals.


Works Cited

Crash. Pathe! 2005

Reed, Silas. “An Introduction to GIS.” Jobs RSS. N.p., 19 Aug. 2009. Web.

Stelvan, Armando. “The Use of Geospatial Technologies in Geographical Information Systems.” Jobs RSS. N.p., 10 Apr. 2012. Web.