play time

I agree with the article by Harris and Bargh on multiple points. Television is a very persuasive tool used by these food companies. When a child sees a giant cartoon pitcher of Cool Aide doing all sorts different extreme sports they are going to think that drinking Cool Aide is the way to be cool or a cartoon leprechaun flying around eating marshmallows in his cereal, I mean how fun is that in the morning? With all the ads on television in the faces of our children it is an uphill battle and I think it really comes down to parents giving their kids healthy meals. That said its not easy to make sure your kid is eating healthy all the time but the most important thing is to set a good example as parents. What your kid sees you do they will want to do so eating healthy is hard but a great thing it start off the bat with young children and that will make dessert so much better. Unless your a grandparent and they just do whatever they want. The commercials on channels for kids are bright and loud and they seem to hypnotize the children. Getting out and playing with them will help with both of these things, they won’t be watching T.V. and they will be working all that unhealthy food out of their system. Get out play for 60 minutes a day.