Political Views for College Students

After some research I have come across a few items that I think the average college student should be active upon or at least be aware of. As a college student I feel that female health care, tuition/student loans, and  equality should be a concern.

Female health care is a great concern because of the abortion debate. Yes, this is a great debate, but I think there is more to women’s health care than just abortions. There are pap smears, breast exams, birth control, STD/HIV testing, pregnancy tests, etc. A woman’s body is so much more different than a man’s and requires the appropriate health care; which in this country is hard to do at times. A lady has to jump through at least three hoops just to get birth control.

Another great concern to college students and, I’m sure this is not a great surprise, is tuition/loans. I have taken out loans and I have to say that it does worry me as I pursue my career. Will I be making enough to pay them off? Will I find a job in time to do so? Will I end up like my mother and pay my student loans YEARS after I’m done with college? I am worried. We are worried.

Much of what is going on in television and on the news right now is equality. The gay rights movement just got a huge boost by having marriages approved. This is a huge movement in the right direction for equality. Although I would like to see more equality happening in this country. We as a people could have women being paid equally as men, have people of different races being treated equally, being kind to our immigrants and refugees, etc.

These are a few things that I think college students today should start making plans for.