Post #2 Episode 3. Action vs. Accusation

        In this episode Action vs. Accusation things start to change more when Val was eliminated off Coyopa. Since John did not protect Jeremy’s wife his plan now is to eliminate Julie for revenge. John now feels the need for inclusion in his group because he catches fish for his group and he thinks that catching food for his group will give him less chances of being eliminated. Jeremy is a social member in the Hanahpu tribe because he gets along with everyone in his tribe and at the same time he can work independently. In my opinion I think that Jeremy is playing this game very smart because he knows how to approach everyone in his group and he has less chances of being eliminating since the beginning. In the Coyopa tribe Baylor has the need for control because she feels like everyone else in her tribe can do what she wants them to do. When it comes to voting people off the group Baylor tells everyone who to vote off and she feels like everyone listens to her when in the other hand they do the opposite without her knowing. Baylor also is the autocrat because she wants to dominate everyone.

The need for affection comes into the group when the Coyopa tribe is up for elimination and Jaclyn tells the guys that girls shouldn’t be the target that the guys should step in and vote out guys. I think that Jaclyn is right because the guys plan was to vote out Baylor and Jaclyn would be the only girl in the tribe. A personal member in the Coyopa tribe would be Dale because he doesn’t really give his opinion in any of the members. Dale has no emotion and just wants to continue the game without being involved in the drama. Dale would also be passive aggressive in his tribe because he goes with what is said in his tribe and doesn’t argue. I’m looking forward to the next episode to see who else will be eliminated in these groups.