post #6 million dollar decision chapter 6

On this episode of Survivor the members of both tribes have been merged together to create tribe Huyopa and the tribe’s dynamics have been changed yet again. With the tribes being merged together brought a lot of tension to the competitors because its a race to see who can get the most people to be in alliance with. After the group had a feast they had realized that someone had taken all of the trail mix which defiantly upset everyone in the tribe since they all shared their food with the reset of the tribe members. When they started to look through everyone’s bags they had discovered that Julie was the one who had taken the trail mix and when she had returned to the shelter the tribe was displaying nonverbal communication toward her because everyone was thinking how messed up it was to hide food from them but instead of confronting her they just made it really awkward for her. Also, I thought that Jon was using offensive language against Julie when he learned that it was her that took the trail mix.

To me it is funny to hear Keith talk because I can tell that he has a dialect in his voice. Sorry if that makes me seem like a horrible person to chuckle at  his voice but every time Keith talks he sounds like he is from the south. When It comes to creating alliances I noticed that personal distance becomes smaller and smaller for certain people. For example, when Jeremy was going around in the tribe trying to get people to side with him, he was hugging Missy trying to be “buddy buddy” with her. I personally think that he is just shady and I’m waiting for him to be voted out already. At the end of the episode I wasn’t to surprised to see Julie quite I saw it coming after the whole tribe had turned on her. I hope Jeremy is the next to be voted out.