Post London

“When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.” 

Quote from Samuel Johnson

I am writing this final blog post for the class at the Camarillo Library. Since coming home, my concentration abilities seem to be lacking everywhere else from day dreaming about all the shared moments in London. Perhaps, distracting myself from falling into a deep depression because the trip is over. It was over in a blink of an eye. Despite that, we covered a lot of ground in eight days. Literally, according to my health app on my iPhone, I must have walked more than 70,000 steps each day. Admittedly and materially, my luggage gained a few pounds on the way home from gifts that I picked up at the Camden Market for my friends and family. Physically, my body lost weight from all the cardio. Mentally, my mind is blown by this experience. There was so much to be taught about the spaces in and around London. Dr. J dropped some major knowledge about the connection between architectural design and communication on the “LondonBrigade” which was the adorable nickname he gave the group. 

It’s bizarre to recall some Londoners mentioning that they have not been to all the historic spots that we did in their own city.