Poverty in Media

I think that poverty is such a personal and touchy topic to talk about. I personally don’t like talking about it because it makes me feel uncomfortable. People who financially struggle is difficult to talk about or read about, for me. After reading Poverty’s poor show in the media, the dominant culture paradigms, came to mind. In class we listed many dominant cultures in society and one of them was wealth. If you’re wealthy people want to hear about your life or your problems, you have some type of power; as oppose to people that financially struggle who appear not to have a voice.

In 4 Problems with the Way the Media Depicts Poor People, the poor as invisible and the poor as temporarily “down on their luck” sections caught my attention. Like Jenna mentioned we rather watch one of the Real Housewives shows and not pay any attention to peoples’ financial problems. I watch the housewives of Orange County and when the recession in 2007/ 2008 hit, the families in the show struggled, and the it was shown in the show. Some of the viewers were able to see that they weren’t the only ones struggling, but that other people were going through the similar situation.