Preparing for the long road ahead

The above picture is “Bri, Adriana, me (amber) & Moniquee!” We all met at the Camarillo library in order to prepare for our group project on Hyde Park. Somewhere between trying to find Albert’s hall, the Diana Memorial Fountain and printing maps; it finally hit me that in 4 days I was going to be on a 12 hour flight to London! Realizing that I still have not even finished packing. I can never seem to stop checking the weather to see what I may need to pack. The forecast does call for rain. 

I have never traveled abroad before and seriously can not wait. I’m so excited that I can hardly even sleep and when I finally do go to sleep I can not stop dreaming about being in London. Finally being given the opportunity to experience everything that I have learned in class with a new eye and appreciation.
One important thing that this class has taught me is to always be aware of my surroundings. Now I find myself driving in my car and looking at buildings noticing the simplest architectural details. Such as doric columns, wrought iron work, pointed arches and stained glass windows. These details begin to paint a picture or tell a story of what the architect/designer is trying to establish within the buildings’ environment. But now I get to experience some of the worlds oldest historical buildings that actually define a period in architectural history, as well as, learn how these buildings shape peoples life’s! 

But as the big day approaches I won’t believe it’s really happening until I hear “everyone please fasten your seat belts and I feel the plane finally taking off”, destination London, England. 

-Amber Ramirez