Presentation day!!!

Well this week Erika, Chris, Cause and myself were at the Channel Islands boating center where we got to see all of the student present the finds that they have been doing research on for the last two weeks. They all did amazing well. The High School students really knew their stuff as well as the Middle School students. When everything was done the students had time to look at some stuff in the front office. I was very impressed by it all. While students that didn’t have to sit through presentations they got to go out and do some kayaking. It was a good end to this unit.

Our Next unit with the students is going out to Santa Rosa Islands. That will be so great, I can’t wait to get the students out to see them. Most of them haven’t even been out to the islands so it will be a real treat for them.


One of the High School groups presenting
One of the High School groups presenting
Students out Kayaking
Students out Kayaking
Eating lunch
Eating lunch
Looking at some exhibits
Looking at some exhibits