Procedure for Atrial Fibrillation

Less Invasive Procedure to Treat Atrial Fibrillation for Better Outcomes:

The treatment discussed in the article is a less invasive procedure called catheter ablation. This procedure is now considered first-line treatment for atrial fibrillation and replaces the need of surgery for treatment of atrial fibrillation that fails to heal with medications alone. Ablation treats abnormalities of the heart’s electrical system by purposely creating scar tissue that acts as a barrier to the abnormal electrical signals. This allows the heart to return to a normal sinus rhythm.

Advances in catheter ablation: The idea is to more closely identify the area of the heart that is causing the atrial fibrillation. In doing so, this would increase the success rate of treating atrial fibrillation. I support the continued research in order to find the best practice in treating patients with all conditions, specifically atrial fibrillation. It is important to implement the most updated treatment methods that have the most  evidence of success to increase patient health outcomes.

The article discussed that they are aware that there is further research that needs to be done to improve this treatment and that they believe patients should have an updated view of what doctors know. I appreciate this statement because it is important for potential recipients of a treatment to be aware of the latest research and evidence regarding something that they may choose to do in order to improve their health.