Project 1_Good People and Detroit


Project One on Detroit and Good People


The CI program has selected two great plays that will capture the attention of both business and drama students. However because the CI program is seeking financial support from Martin V. Smith School of Business who in return requires a well-attended production from business students in particular the CI program should produce Lisa D’amour’s Detroit. This play in particular tackles an economical issue that most people have trouble dealing with making it both relate able and entertaining for viewers to watch. Detroit stars Mary and Ben, a married couple that is having trouble with their marriage and their finances and rather than try and solve either problem the couple seeks comfort in their new neighbor’s company while pretending to be someone they’re not and spend money they don’t have. Like most people with financial problems the couple tries to escape from their problems by not dealing with them and looking for comfort in external things. Mary the financial benefactor feels the pressure of being the only provider getting to her and escapes from her responsibilities with alcohol and when that isn’t enough she has this unrealistic expectation of moving into the woods and living off the land. While her husband Ben who is currently unemployed spends his days in “Brit Land” a website for non-Brits who want to be British there he has created a fake profile while pretending to be working on building his own website to help others build up their credit score. Only to be reminded by their neighbors who are both unemployed of where they can soon end up if they keep going the way they are going. I feel college students can in particular relate to large debt and loans because of tuition and how at times it may seem easier to ignore the debt but that doesn’t mean it’s going away and business students in particular know the interest and the repercussion that come along with this type of behavior.