Project 2 Assignment

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and All My Sons

Project Description:

A local professional theatre company has selected to revive these two classic plays. They want to market them to small business owners who might relate to the characters and their situation. They are seeking to hire a consultant to design and run the marketing campaign. They have a budget of $5,000, not including the consultant’s salary. You need a job and something to put on your resume, so you applied. They have asked you to prepare a digital proposal.

Draft Due:

February 28, 2015 @ 11:59 PM

Project Submission:

Submit the project to your CIKeys blog. Once you have your draft ready for review, leave a reply on the Project 2 page. Your reply must include a link to your project and a screenshot of the project.

Digital Proposal Elements:

  • A short introduction and overview video of your proposal;
  • A written discussion for each play that discusses the themes you will emphasize in your promotional materials; provide text citations from each of the plays; incorporate outside sources drawn from reviews and commentaries about both plays; a link to your bibliographic citations – you may choose which style manual (MLA, APA, Chicago) to follow, but consistency in following it will be assessed;
  • Discuss how you will promote the play across various digital and face to face platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc) and media (newspaper and radio); discuss potential group sales; discuss how you would leverage free advertising and the use of complimentary tickets.
  • Budget detail;
  • Images related to the plays and the promotional materials you’re considering.

Draft Grading:

The draft is worth 10 points (1/10 of your final grade). Late assignments will receive no points; missing elements will cause a deduction in points.

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