Project 3: How Writing Shaped the Community of Loveline

  • What purpose does this genre serve for its community? Where does it appear? Under what conditions? What subjects are discussed?
  • What are the features of this genre? Content, Structure, Format, Sentences, Lexis.
  • How do its particular generic features serve its purpose?
  • For whom is this genre written? Describe the community who owns the genre.
  • What role must the writer assume in writing this genre? What role must the writer avoid in writing this genre?
  • Whose interests does this genre serve? What values, beliefs, goals, and assumptions are revealed through the genre’s patterns?

4. Make a point (main idea/thesis) with your post that is debatable. In other words,  create an argument with support that will convince a reader of the value of your opinion.

NO examples however it is possible to go on the website and answer open forum questions like, “Have you ever been involved in ‘group love?’”, “What’s on your sexual bucketlist?”

Form: Required response leads to a first response as a basis to the second, and for everyone else that hears this, they base their response off of everyone elses prior response, resulting in the cvreation of a new genre (DIRK 252). OUR RESPONSES TO SITUATION ARE GUIDED BY PAST RESPONSES (AMY DEVITT “GENERALIZING” 576)


This kind of genre helps human interaction because it eases communication. They do not discourage differences and want open communication. This helps goals to be accomplished by effectivly easing the funcions of communication via telephone making situations to be open (syn) and  effective (sn). As a social action, they accuratly generate laughter when inclinded to, they demand responses to farout questions..
The nature of the genre remains ^^^ while the formulaic writing of the genre is always changing.

This genre helps shape everday life by allowing open discourse about situations that are taboo in society also allowing a community of people to feel welcomed and interesting. They may elicite a laughter in response or be as serious as telling someone they need medical care NOW.

Depending on the context of the  show that day, it allows people to feel secure.