
I really enjoyed reading this chapter and looking on the website online. I always heard that watching porn could render your expectations of sex but I have never heard that it could impact you on so many levels. I was majoring in the science field for a long time so to read all the affects that porn has on the body especially the brain, seems absolutely crazy. I think that this article would be very valuable to people who are struggling with a porn addiction because it gives such good insight and provides so much information about how porn affects all aspects of your life.

The book also provided a lot of valuable information about promiscuity.I do think that people do get caught up with the idea that children are losing their ” innocence” a lot younger than they have been in  the past but like the book said that’s a lie. People were always promiscuous the were just not as open about it. Not too long ago girls were getting married at a young age to people they did not necessarily care about.  By doing this it does not make them any more chaste than young people now a days who are being sexually active with people they love. Also teen pregnancy may not have seemed as dominate as it does today in our society but I do not think that has anything to do with today’s media. When young girls got pregnant in the past they would jump straight into marriage or get and abortion  and now young girls are stepping up and taking care of their child themselves. Overall I think that this chapter and the website both gave me a lot of insight to promiscuity in the media.