

In the promotion of All of My Sons and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, we have decided to go with advertising through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. These are very inexpensive ways spread the awareness of these two productions.

In each social media outlet we have decided to go on a different path but very similarly tied together.


Because we are under the impression that the demographic that we are shooting for are most familiar with Facebook, we will keep all of our newsletters, updates, news alerts, photos, and videos of what we are working on all on the Facebook page. We will have our Facebook page linked with our Instagram and Twitter page. This would be the most efficient way people stayed tuned with us.


We have already created the Twitter Fan Page, and because we are always so limited on characters per tweet, we will use subliminal text in each tweet to draw curiosity to the play.

We will use phrases like:

It would be smart to listen to Live 105.5 on Wednesday morning at 9AM” and that’s when we give away the free tickets that we mention earlier in the budget summary.


We love Instagram because you can instantly upload photos onto the web at the click of a button. We thought that it would be a great idea for the fans to stay updated with the plays if they could see all the “behind the scenes” work in anticipation prior to the opening date of the play.