QSEN Teamwork & Collaboration Guidelines


Member strengths, limitations, and values:


  • Strengths- Writing, PowerPoint, mind maps, posters, teamwork, communication
  • Limitations- Being on time & scheduling that works for everyone
  • Values- Hard work & teamwork


  • Strength: getting work finished on time, organized, open to compromise, take charge when needed, communication
  • Limitations: speaking during a presentation
  • Values: teamwork, kind, honest, truthful.


  • Strengths: Communication, listening, works well with others, use of technology (ppt), creative
  • Limitations: Finding time, presenting (to an extent), writing (to an extent)
  • Values: Team player, honesty, creativity, hard worker

Team member roles and accountabilities:

Group accountabilities will be equally dispersed among the group members. Each member will be expected to participate and complete assigned tasks on time to avoid further disciplinary action. All ideas, thoughts, and/or suggestions will be heard and majority ruling will take place on all decision making.

Communication style:

Various methods of communication will be utilized throughout the course of this project, including: google docs, text messaging, emails, designated meeting times, and phone calling.

Leadership style:

A demographic leadership style will be utilized in order to incorporate all members within the decision making process.

Strategies for successful team functioning:

  • Listening to others ideas
  • Effective communication
  • Shared workload
  • Shared responsibilities
  • Staying on topic
  • Fulfill tasks and assignments
  • Respect
  • Flexibility