Reading Log 2


“To borrow a term from the kind of association readers of this book are likely to belong to, an archetypal discourse community tends to be a specific interest group,” (2).

I like the definition of specific interest group because it gave me an idea of what Swales would be describing right of the bat. When one thinks of a specific interest group, groups such as leaders and ones high in power come to mind, or very important comes to mind.

On page 32 Swales questions academic courses and their place in discourse communities. Academic classes are sort of the training wheels into a discourse community, but are not a discourse community all by themselves. In more advanced coursework students tend to fit more into the definition of a discourse community, because students have tended to see a lot of the same information over and over again by this time.

Swales defines genre as a very rock sliding element of a definition. The reason being so is that there are so many genres, it gives the definition too much flexibility. Discourse community in fact does contain genre, but which genres are acceptable and unacceptable are often dictated even though genre includes practically all types of topics.

In defining discourse communities, it is not a loose set of criterion but yet a strict formation which yet contains subgroups and is very hard to achieve. This would be a summary definition that I could come up with after reading what Swales and others, have to say about the definition.

A Stranger in Strange Lands

I find the research aspect very interesting and the content of the research interesting. It turns out analyzing context (being familiar with it) results in much better grades than does “Summary.” Context and analyzing what is needed for the class is also important. This is something that essentially students learn through time and some students are better at this than others. Ultimately this recognition is what creates a better grade over another.

Dave, a participant in the study finds poetry the most difficult because in biology and writing one can simply look up a definition. Perhaps Dave needed to develop a closer relationship with his Poetry Professor so that way when had needed help with analyzing the content he would had been comfortable asking for help. For example, I read the book “Everyone In Silico,” semesters ago and I totally did not understand the book at the time. In retrospect, it turns out that I was looking at too many of the smaller details instead of seeing the big picture. My comprehension of the book went towards what I was interested in rather than achieving the point, what the author was trying to tell me. This is a personal form in which I can relate to Dave’s struggles. Essentially, I spoke with the Professor who in return, gave me tips in which I could be more successful in the course.

We have all heard of the expression that practice makes perfect. It is definitely related to the text as the more experience one gains, the easier the task becomes. With that being said, when a student is in the learning process, the best way is to reach out for help from colleagues, Professors, and tutors to help build in reaching that point.

Project 1 Reflection

As for revision there were quite a bit of changes that I need to make. To name just a few I need to add my sources (Which I have changed, just add em’ in as you go), images, and references. As far as the writing goes it was suggested that I needed to implement a personal sponsor. I had said that my parents and I are mostly my personal sponsors.

I also tend to be too conversational and need to make some adjustments. It was also noted that I need to reference back to the sponsors that we learned in class and make connections through those. I also need to take out some sentences or two that are not relevant and delete my tangents (or make them stronger). I also need to make better transitions in between paragraphs and ideas.

I also noticed that my paragraphs are too large and chunked together so I need to go back and separate where it is appropriate. I feel that I received a lot of criticism about my paper, but I feel that the criticism will help make my project stronger. That is once I take the ideas into consideration and implement the necessary changes.

  1. A Stranger in Strange Lands: A College Student Writing across the Curriculum.Lucille Parkinson McCarthy.Research in the Teaching of English.Vol. 21, No. 3 (Oct., 1987).    , pp. 233-265.Published by: National Council of Teachers of English.Stable URL:
  2. Swales, John. “The Concept of Discourse Community.” Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings.  Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.