Ready Set GO!!

Greetings All, What can you say about yourself without sentence fragments, a great deal of commas, and things you would like to be doing but haven’t done? You simply start from the beginning.

My name is Vannesa I am currently 24 years old and am attending Channel Islands for my Bachelors of arts…..But lets start from the beginning so you can see how I got here…I was born in Ventura at 6 months, I weighed 1lb and 10 ounces….ok not that far back.  I would say I had a pretty good childhood despite a few events. When I  was about seven my mother was arrested and then incarcerated when I was 9.  I moved around from family member to family member and then I ended up with my uncle Kevin in Sacramento. I learned a great deal from him, probably most of my views on life and how to live by the concept hard work pays off. Etc. While there I was diagnosed with a learning disability which didn’t change anything we just figured out why I wasn’t absorbing everything as fast. During the summers I would have these work books my uncle would have me do; math, reading, writing etc. That helped so much now that I look back on it. Every Friday he would take my sister and I to rent movies and on weekends we would go to B&N and buy books to read, it was great. He as my father figure was a great experience. Then I moved back with mother when I was about fourteen and back to Ventura I went.

                I found my life a little more challenging after that. We first moved back and we lived in this studio in front of this liquor store in this run down building. My mother had a boyfriend I had never met him and one day he came over and he never left. He was a an awful mooch and didn’t have a job. So one day I said to him “don’t you have some where to be, somewhere to go?”  Surprisingly he was offended, and his response was that of someone of my age then. Well we lived there about a year and a half or so then moved to an apartment that was one bed room in the same building and we then got my younger cousin Anthony.That wasn’t much of a stretch because my mother raised his other brothers.

            School was very simple for me I was on honor roll those two years in middle school. Then I went to high school I hung out with the kids I met in middle school which wasn’t my best idea. I just wanted to hang out with my friends so 10th grade was not my year.But I had an amazing teacher who was  in fact my teacher in middle school she was my RSP, resource specialist program teacher. I made it to graduation with that years GPA. being a 3.8. I then went to college at Ventura College I didn’t really want to but I didn’t have the option at the time. I skipped classes, I was in YOLO mode but for my taste I wasn’t living the way I wanted to and partying hard was not the life goal  (lol) so I did something about it. I buckled down and hit the books and finished at V.C. I’m currently working full time and going to school so that’s tough. But my view on life is its not where you’ve been its where youre going. And If you come out of the predicament fine then that’s all that matters…..

Well if you’ve gotten this far it means I didn’t bore you too much. So thanks for reading

                                                                            –  Vannesa M