Real and Digital Citizen

So after reading and watching the video, the major point that i picked up was a more connected communication with everyone. The article had a focus of classes but the video was focused on communication as a whole.  Social media is a strong tool but when teaching a new generation about a tool that about connection it is better to mimic that communcation with students.  This week i have been wondering about the effectiveness of this method of teaching and the article touches on that why don’t we let people learn this as they go? i grew up in the internet and have plenty of memories of learning all the skills i have now but i was thinking that everyone was the same, that this how people learned about the internet, the article really shed the light that not everyone was willing to learn that way and professors can help those who fall behind or need some guidance to catch up with those who are savants at social media. also the power of a few to help the many, for one of my examples i would point to an old video of a tradition that was created on Youtube by the vlogbrothers, the Decrease of World Suck and it shows the true power that the article and the video are talking about. Social media is usually deemed to be mundane by most “traditional methods” but Social media has had the power to bring down shows, call to attention different topics and brought people together.