Reflecting on nursing school

Reflecting on nursing school


The first semester feels like it is a life time ago. I remember my first clinical experience. The patient just had a hip replacement. I was with the patient from check in, then surgery, then PACU and then I was looking after her on the floor. I helped with assessment and pre –op check list, I gave her an extra blanket on the way to the surgery room. After the surgery I constantly monitored her vitals, alertness and comfort. Back in the room I brought her, her first drink of water and I could see how thankful she was. When my shift was over she took my hand and said, “thank you for your help, your presence made me less scared and it was nice to see a familiar face when I woke up”. And this again and again hammered home why I want to be a Nurse. I want to help and alleviate suffering in all its forms. There were times when I doubted if I could do it and in those times there was always someone extending a hand to help me up.

I feel competent with the education I received from CSU to work as a nurse. There is still a lot I need to learn but I feel prepared to enter the field. I look forward to the Leadership class in our last semester. I have realized the important role nurses have in facilitating change for the better. Nurses are first and foremost patient advocates. And the best advocating we can do is, changing policies and procedures. I look forward to learning how to a more effective leader and a team member who positively contributes rather than criticize.

As to what my concerns are. I would have to say the NCLEX exam. So much rides on the exam and it is so heavily weighed and it scares me that all my hard work comes down to a test. What have I learned? I have gained an extensive knowledge on Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, Nursing clinical practice, Patient education and implementing evidence base research in practice. But most of all I learned to think before I act. Take a second and go over my actions before I start doing things. This is the starting point of critical thinking and good patient care. I have also learned nurses make a big difference in the health care system and I want to be a part of that. I want to make a difference