Reflecting on School and What’s Next

We’re almost there! It’s hard to believe that we are coming to the end of our program and the end of our med-surg content. I still feel like there is so much to learn, which is probably  because there is! Going into nursing I was excited about the academic nature of the healthcare field. There is always something to learn and what we know, or think we know, is always changing. Now in the midst of nursing school my feelings of excitement have shifted a bit towards feelings of being overwhelmed. There is in fact an enormous amount of information to learn and sometimes I feel I am only retaining a very small percentage of it.

Looking back at our first semesters I do have to admit I have vastly more knowledge now than I did at the beginning of the program. The dreaded ATI tests have become smoother and I’ve gained more confidence in the clinical setting.  I’ve learned so much through our clinical rotations and at this point I think I will excel the most through getting out and working in the field.  I’m looking forward to public health next semester and getting to see a different side of nursing than we have seen in the acute care setting.

I’m excited to finish school and start working but it is going to be an interesting transition. I’ve been working for my current employer for five and a half years. I work part time during the semester and always work full time when I can between semesters. I enjoy my current job and love my coworkers. Sometimes I have to work really hard to remind myself why I decided to go to nursing school and make this huge transition in my career in the first place. In the end I know it will be worth it and am really proud of myself for pushing my comfort zone and doing something new but it’s not to say that it has been easy!