Reflection of Blogging & Participation

1.  5

2. 5

3. 5

4. I think a strength I displayed in participation was, I incorporated other student’s comments to build my own. I also feel like I try to bring a different perspective when in discussions. A strength I had in the blogs was, I think I wove in materials from the textbook very well into my blogs. Another strength I brought to the blogs was that I used a very distinct style of writing that made it obvious it was my post; my voice helped make the blog more interesting. I also think my use of pictures, and my own personal views on situations kept it fun.

5. I think I could help improve my participation by not being afraid to answer questions, or share my views. In the blogs, I think I could have organized the structure of each post better, so as to make it easier to follow my thought process.

6. I liked the blogs because even though a big chunk of it was to incorporate the textbook, I also had the freedom to comment about certain things tribes did that I did/didn’t like.

7. I was not into the show as much as I hoped I would be, so it was hard to keep up with the episodes.

8. I think there should be a list of shows that students can vote on. This way they feel more involved in the assignment.