Reflection of Blogging & Participation

  1. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?
    • 5 – I submitted my blog posts in a timely matter every time.
  2. On a scale of 1-5 (5 being consistently), how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?
    • 5 – I consistently submitted one thorough comment to a peer’s blog for each post that was due. I took the time to read through several of my peer’s blogs and, I wrote thoughtful comments that included references to course concepts.
  3. One a scale of 1-5 (5 being very well), how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?
    • 5 – I feel that I did an excellent job of integrating class concepts into my posts about the Survivor show. For every post, I included various concepts from the chapter that corresponded with the post, and I also included concepts from chapters that had been previously covered.
  4. Please describe what you think your strengths were with regard to blogging and
    • With regard to my blogging and participation, I feel that my biggest strength was in applying course concepts to the show. I would review the chapter before watching the show and, then I would take notes as I was watching each episode. This really helped me to apply the course concepts to what I was seeing. In addition, I made it a point to read several of my peers’ blogs and, I always submitted thoughtful posts and comments in a timely manner.
  5. Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and
    • In order to improve upon my own blogging and participation, I could have given myself more time to complete some of my posts. I procrastinated on doing some of the posts and, I feel that this makes a difference in the quality of work that I am able to put out. Also, I could have posted comments on more of my peers’ blogs. Since I consistently read more than one of my peers’ posts, I could have left comments for the other bloggers as well.
  1. What did you like about blogging?
    • I liked having an online venue in which to express my opinions. When I sit in a classroom, I am not typically the one to raise my hand and offer my input but, blogging gave me an outlet in which I was more comfortable to express my thoughts.
  2. What did you dislike about blogging?
    • I experienced some internet connection issues throughout the course of this semester and, at times, it was frustrating that I had to wait until I was at a place with internet access to get the blogging assignment done. Also, two episodes had aired before the first blog was due and, this resulted in some students being an episode ahead of others. It wasn’t always easy to find a peer’s blog that was about the same episode that I had watched and, this made posting comments more difficult.
  3. What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?
    • In the future, I think it would be best to make sure that the whole class is watching and blogging about the same episode. Also, it might be a good idea to have students take a screenshot to prove that they watched the episodes. I know that some students were just reading other people’s blogs to find out what the episodes were about and, they would just go off what other people had written about. I feel that this unfair to those of us who actually took the time to watch the episodes and provide thoughtful responses.