Reflection of Blogging & Participation

1. On a scale of 1-5, I’d give myself a 2. I was not consistent at all with submitting my blog posts after the first few. Since I do not have cable, I had to rely on the website. For the first few posts, I had to use the typed up transcripts of the episodes because the video of the episode would not load. This dropped my motivation to do blog at all on Survivor considering I saw none of the interactions, I simply read about everything.

2. On a scale of 1-5, I’d give myself a 1 considering I did not comment on anyone’s blog.

3. Looking at the few blogs I did post, I think I did very well integrating the class concepts with the Survivor episode summary. If I had completed all the blogs, I’d say I would have earned a 4. But considering I did not, I’m sure I earned much less.

4. My strengths were that when I DID blog and participate, it was thorough and in a professional manner.

5. I could definitely have improved my participation by pulling through despite technical difficulty and continuing the blog posts.

6. Honestly, I did not really like the blogging at all. I suppose being able to deign the color scheme and whatnot of the blog itself was the best part.

7. Referring to my previous answer, there was a lot that I did not like. Blogging by a certain date about a television show did not grab my attention, if I were to be completely honest.

8. Perhaps requiring the blog posts to be relating descriptions of one’s daily life or observations to the class concepts would be a little more appealing to a diverse group of students. Or, perhaps having it relate any television show to the course concepts, rather than Survivor only. Narrowing it down to one television show appeals to a small audience.