Reflection On Module 1 Readings

In the article called, Media Awarenesss Education I agree with Masterman. “Media education is a lifelong process, therefore high student motivation must become a primary objective”. I believe as our world is changing so is the way we teach and learn. Media literacy is becoming a big role in that.  It gives us the ability to look through and analyze information. We are able to use search skills as well as curating skills to get a better understanding of information. With media education teachers can relate almost any subject and integrate it with these media literacy skills. Jane Tallin communicates that, “Media education encourages a probing approach to the world of media”. Teachers who are implementing media literacy in their classrooms can ask questions like who is the message intended for? or From whose is the perspective is the story told? These questions remind me of what we used to do in first grade when it would be English time. The teacher would ask myself and the class the same questions about books we have read. Now we can do the same with newspapers, video, and so much more. Media literacy does not have to come just from television or electronic media but now things like T-shirts, billboards, and especially the internet are other sources.  It was also interesting to learn about the different terms. I now know “Media study” has to do more with schools or teachers organizing lessons with media, and “Media Literacy” is what should come from working  with media education or media study.

The article Why Media Literacy is so Important For Children Today, by Jennifer Ladner caught my attention because  I do always hear about debates wether children using different types of media is a good thing or a bad. “Not only are we concerned with the amount of time children spend in front of a screen, but we are also concerned about the content they absorb” (Ladner). Now days children were born into a world of media and technology and pick it up fast.  According to Ladner, she believes that media literacy allows children and their families to become more aware of media messages. Some messages are intended and some are not. Children get a chance to learn, create, and think critically about media. With these skills this allows children to grasp what is out there and control the media that is around them. There is always going to be a debate about screen time too. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics state, one to two hours of “entertainment” screen time is perfectly acceptable”.  On the other hand too much can be bad for a child. 718105b4b5e00890feaca0268d6e4fd6