Reflection on module 1 readings (GROUP 5)

Currently, society as a whole has involved itself with media literacy in such a way that it is inescapable. Yet, how is society using this social tool to its advantages in influencing the development of individual growth within humans? Survey says: Jersey shore. No, it is theory of combining both media literacy and education that will further allow people to be more self-aware. Such a notion is powerful because of the possibility to negate current thought processes in to new progressive thoughts. Therefore, media literacy allows individuals to critically challenge structural norms (Bowen, 1996). Although, sadly to say our current culture does not seek to establish change, but rather insight non progressive thoughts. Such thoughts can be seen in our daily news that include the demand to report on violence, sex, and nonsense that build heuristics thoughts within individuals. Yet, if one were to be educated within media literacy, visual cues seen would than be questioned on the purpose of presented stimuli. Thus, media literacy is necessary towards allowing individuals to focus on ideologies that lead enlightenment.  – Sebas

  • We are born to learn, only to unlearn so we can be born again.  – ivr