Refugee Crisis

I chose to research the global issue of the refugee crisis.  The thing that got me initially intrigued about this topic was the sadness I felt when I saw the picture of the three year old Syrian boy whose body washed up on shore in Turkey after her had drowned trying to flee the country of Syria with his family.  The only person who survived in that family was the father who no longer wanted to live after reaching shore because he stated he had nothing to live for anymore.  This broke my heart.  I could not fathom the fact that people were denying to help other out in the world.  Everyone on the face of the earth is a human being, how can we be so cruel to our own kind?  Researching this topic and fining articles with so many different views opened my mind to the political side of it, but I still don’t completely agree with letting people suffer and die.  I tried the different search engines to read articles and some seemed more reliable than others.  Reading about the crap detection helped me weed out those articles that would not have been as helpful. Now that I can use these tools to help me get the right articles I can help inform others about this issue of the world the right way, with the right information.