Relief & Contemplation

April 19

Hi everyone,

smiley1Hope you guys are having a good week and even more so now that our group inquiry paper has been completed! (Whoop whoop!) Please comment and let me know what you guys did your project on, I am curious and interested. Overall, I feel pretty good about me and my partner’s paper. More confident than I felt for my personal inquiry project that’s fer sure. Do you guys remember the reflection we completed after submitting our personal inquiry project? Well in my reflection I had stated that I should have went more in depth in analyzing my topic within the lenses I chose. I might of worded it differently but my statement was along those lines. However, when writing our group inquiry project I wanted to avoid feeling like I should have done better. There is always areas of improvement but this time around my partner and I established sub categories within our actual interdisciplinary lenses. Establishing subcategories encouraged us to further discuss our topic in each discipline. As stated in my last post our three disciplines were health science, communication, and sociology. In which, are subcategories comprised of Oxytocin, communicative clarity, affections/ nurturance, and environments “baby talk” is prone to be used in such as, hospitals. Since, we will be discussing our topic through our poster presentation, I am going to stop myself from going into detail of the technicalities behind our paper to avoid redundancy of what you guys will hear in our presentation.

To that end, I want to discuss a current interdisciplinary dilemma I am going through. In my last post I mentioned I was currently working on a presentation for my MKT 442 class also known as Psychology of Judgement Decision making. In which, my presentation covered prospect theory and some of the underling factors behind prospect theory. The underlying factors my group and I discussed in our presentation were loss aversion, framing, and endowment effect. However, we applied these factors to the use of marketing. We did this comparison by showing two different commercial ads that were essentially asking the same thing (animal shelter donations) yet they each framed their add differently. One portrayed animals as being sad, hurt, and neglected while the other only captured happy healthy animals. We then compared the endowment effect to how companies offer free trials of their products and or services. For those of you  who may not know the endowment effect occurs when we grow fonder of a product or service the longer we acquire it. For example, Netflix offers a 1 month free trail, they do this so the consumer can start to embed their service in their routine. Once they are hooked it conveniently  is the time their subscription is going to expire. What does the consumer do? Well by nature since we do not like the feeling of losing, the consumer is most like going to subscribe to the service.But now onto the dilemma I am currently dealing with, my group and I are going to discuss what we presented in class in our paper. However, to yield 15 to 20 pages we need another angle that will connect prospect theory and marketing together. So currently what we are going to discuss further in our paper is under debate.

Well that is enough of my interdisciplinary discussion for now, hope you guys have a good rest of the week!