Renal GU Drug Review!

Group: Alyson Del Poso, Alex Bultman

Name: Bactrim


  • UTI, Acute otitis media, chronic bronchitis, shigellosis, pneumonia, traveler’s diarrhea

What? Bactrim is a combo drug of 400mg sulfamethoxazole and 80mg trimethoprim.

  • Classification: anti-bacterial sulfonamide
  • both drugs inhibit bacteria’s ability to utilize folic acid



  • once daily


  • acute AND chronic home med.



  • inhibit bacteria’s growth by inhibiting the ability to utilize folic acid for growing
  • bacteriacidal


  • PO – mild infections 6-12mg/kg/day
  • PO – for UTI 160mg trimethoprim/800 sulfamethoxazole
  • IV – 6-12mg/kg/day
  • Safety: watch for sulfa allergy, monitor bowel function, monitor for s/s of Stevens Johnson Syndrome, CBC levels, urinalysis