

Representation is when the voices of the people are present in the policy making process. Not only are the voices heard in the policy making process, the elected officials are also trying to better the lives of their constituents.  In order to accurately represent someone their opinions should be reflected in the policy’s that are being presented to congress and the policy’s should also better the lives of the constituents. Political representation is when the desires of the people align with the members of congress and are reflected in policy.  In order for political representation to work elected officials must be held accountable for making sure the peoples voices are heard and elected officials are actively working to better the lives of the people. Since we have a democratic system the people that are elected are supposed to be a direct representation of the people and therefor the policies that come about should show the attitude of the people. The concrete behaviors that are necessary in order to have just political representation are accountability and accessibility.

Accountability is a concrete behavior congressmen should display, because they were elected to represent the people and therefor they should be held accountable for making sure that the voices of the people are being heard. In a democratic system where officials are elected by the people it is important that they reflect the ideas of their constituents and work to make their constituents lives easier. There’s no reason why elected officials shouldn’t be held accountable for coming through on their promises after all that is the reason why they were put into office in the first place. Accountability is the basis in which constituents judge whether or not their ideas are being heard and if congress is making an effort to make life better.

The next concrete behavior that congressmen should display is accessibility. When it comes to representation how can an elected official represent someone if they aren’t able to be accessed. In order for accurate representation constituents should be able to access the elected officials. It is a system of checks and balances to make sure that every voice is being heard and being taken in to consideration when decisions are being made that are going to effect the constituents. Which goes back to the point that congress should be working to make the lives of their constituents better. Are congress members responding to the emails, letters, and videos that the people are sending them.

In order to have political representation, there should be a combination of accessibility and accountability when it comes to the congressmen. If they are being held accountable and are accessible it will lead to accurate political representation and it will better the lives of the people. Political representation is taking into account the voices of the people during the policy making process and if congressmen are being held accountable for doing so and are frequently talking to the people representation is being achieved.