
The media directly influences the way society views itself, specifically women and teens. The use of Pathos, Ethos, and Logos helps to further illustrates this by making the reader question whether or not they are meeting those societal standards. Logos is set forth to make the reader question whether they really know their body or if the ad agencies know more than they do. Pathos is set in to coddle the reader and let the reader know that all is okay because they, like many others, do not have the perfect body. Lastly, Ethos is set forth to make the reader question whether or not they want to continue conforming to the public. Thus leading the reader to question their stance on weight loss and or how to get there, usually ending in the reader buying some sort of weight loss product or fitness product.A Protein World advert displayed in an underground station in London makes New York splash in Times Square.

Although that is how rhetoric works, it is implemented to make the reader question themselves and to skew emotions, to have it used as a way to capitalize on revenue is a bit disheartening. With a bit of Photoshop and makeup the model above has now become the poster body of what a true beach body is.Advertising is one of the many ways that the public is given a fantasy and are told that they can make it into a reality. In spite of being disheartening that companies wield such power over the public they are also very skilled in using rhetoric to further their products or arguments.