Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-09 06:54:38

After having received information about a possible project with Professor Perchuk, we emailed her and set up a meeting time that was convenient for everyone. We had a little meeting with her tonight at the Napa hall gallery, were we discussed the details of the project. We will be providing her with an initial poster as soon as next week, with a second poster around mid-October. There will then possibly be three other posters we will be working on throughout the semester. These posters will all be similar as these events will be related to one another. We have started moving forward with our Driffill Elemntary school project and we have assigned each other different projects to work on. I will be starting to work on the Line Lackeys slack club project, providing them with what we discussed on our meeting yesterday. I was assigned to work on three of the sports t-shirts, which include soccer, football, and basket ball. I will be collaborating design ideas with Jason (soccer and football shirts) and Fernando (basketball shirt). I have started looking for more inspiration for the soccer t-shirt design, which Is one of the projects I’ve been assigned to for our Driffill Project. Along with looking for more inspiration, I have also began sketching out rough ideas for the t-shirt designs. We have also emailed the graft group with their project in order to move the project forward. Along with the email, he was sent a link to our trello board which we are using for project management. We are going to be working on projects for three of their online companies which requires our team to build an identity package for each one. We provided him with some questions that will help aide us through the design process.