Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-10 05:28:03

I have continued with my sketching and research for the driffill elementary school project. I have been looking at what other soccer t-shirt designs are being created. I am leaning more towards an illustrative quality for these designs. I have sketched out more ideas since last night, but I’m really liking these two I’ve been working on today (pictured above). For these designs I picture them being printed in gold on maroon t-shirts. I will continue to work on these sketches and refine them so I can present them to my group for a critique before sending them out to the driffill assistant principal. My next step for this project is to start working on sketches for the football and basketball shirts. I first need to refine the soccer t-shirts in order to use them as a guide for the style of the rest of the t-shirts. We want to create t-shirts that are unified by their style so that we can create an identity for the school and create school spirit. My team members Bess and Fernando worked on drafts for the posters for Professor Perchuk, which we got to see today. We got to see their drafts and had a critique, so that they can make changes before presenting the two poster ideas to Perchuk.