Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-12 06:49:28

img_1104My group members and I have shared all of our sketches for the Driffill Elemenatary sports teams today. We critiqued each others sketches and picked out the logos we we felt worked best for the school’s shirts. For this project we are planning to move on to taking our logo sketches to illustrator and making more variations with the typography. We have moved forward with the poster project for professor Perchuk. We have looked at the final drafts for the posters for approval, and we sent them to professor Perchuk. Another project I’ve been working on today is the Line Lackeys club logo. I am currently in the sketching process, and have a couple of ideas sketched out so far. The president in the club wanted something with an anchor, so I have been trying out different way that I can incorporate an anchor in the logo. I am trying to sketch logos with circular and diamond shaped housing. I also tried one that focuses more on the club’s name. I’m going to be sketching out more logos for the club, before I present them to my group members for feedback.