Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-09-13 06:32:18

We finally got a reply from the owner of the graft group company. We had previously sent him an invite to the trello board we created for his projects. In that board we posted a questionnaire about the three companies that we will be creating work for. He answered those questions today, so we now have information to work of off when brainstorming ideas for the logos. We can brainstorm on ideas for the color palette, typography and style of the identity brand. For the driffill project we had previously posted our sketches so that we can choose the best ones. We felt that we needed to have a more in depth critique with feedback, so we had a group meeting in the broome library today. We gave each other a lot of great feedback, so that we can finally take our work into illustrator. We also talked about how variations of the logos we want to render out in illustrator, and what we can do to unify the logos across all the sports t-shirts. One of my ideas was to use the same typography and colors on all the shirt designs, to keep them unified. I also spent some more time working on my sketches for the line lackey’s club. I have developed a few more logo ideas for them(sketches 6-9). I want to have as many sketches as possible and then narrow it down to the best ones before sending them to the president of the club.