Richard's Capstone Blog // Fall 2016 2016-11-13 06:43:24

We have made a lot of progress with our Active Planet Kids project. I have created backgrounds for the Terry Fox and Pelé sections of their summer fit workbook. For terry fox I created a background that was inspired by a photograph from when Terry was running the marathon of hope. Another background was of a building from the university that he attended. A background of a basketball was also included because he was part of a wheelchair basketball team, where he won three national titles. For Pelé I created a background of two different soccer fields, and of the Buckingham Palace where he received honorary knighthood. pele_background1






For the graft group we have created an identity package, which includes business card, envelope, and letter head designs. We are going to be sending our the final files to Sam. biking_businesscard3




The Channel Eye-lands club really liked our logo design and we have created a banner design that they can use for club events. I have also sent them files of the logo prepared to be printed for t-shirts.

The line lackeys club logo design project is coming to a close, we will be making one more final revision based off of the feedback we received.

For Driffill we have been working on designing the spirit/graduation shirts, banner design, and brochure. We have sent her our drafts and are still waiting on feedback for some of the work. I worked on the graduation shirts and I wanted to take existing typography and make it something special. The font was edited to make the letters look fluid and three dimensional.
