Role Model

What is a role model?

To me, a role model is someone who chosen to be looked up to and someone whose actions or behaviors you want to emulate. I don’t believe that someone can just wake up one day and say “I am now a role model to so-and-so,” I think that it is a title that must be given to someone.

What behavior describes a successful role model in the area served by your peer educator role?

In my role, I am supposed to emphasize the importance of academic and social success as a CI student and provide my students the necessary tools to achieve academic and social success. As a role model, the appropriate behavior would be to demonstrate academic and social success.

So what are the differences between those behaviors and your own behavior?

I would consider myself academically successful, but I am not very involved with student life on campus and that is a major component to my definition of social success as a CI student, or a university student in general.

Now what are some actions you can take to become a better role model for others?

I’ve been saying it since I started attending CI, but I really do want to and need to join some clubs or organizations on campus.