Ronald Reagan

A while back My classmates and I spent the day at the Reagan Library in  Simi Valley to analyze the Museum and the view it has on President Reagan. Well my over is simple that like most stories told by the US it very one sided and is always on the side of what makes us good. In actuality while the Museum didn’t technically lie to anyone it omitted the full story of President Reagan, which is a lie lol. My personal observation is that the Museum is obviously geared toward putting Reagan in a good light, but it’s done so blatantly and avoiding all of his faults that whole museum was not geared toward anyone with prior knowledge. In addition if you factor in the amount of elementary school  students, old people and tourist it seem like it’s more of an indoctrination process and wants to mislead people that President Reagan Was without Sin and was the best thing to have happen to America since sliced bread or mass production. But knowing anything about Reagan you would know that the museum failed to bring up how reagan did not  favor the middle class or unions, failed to address the AIDS epidemic and barely addressed the the unemployment rate, he tripled the debt and cut taxes for the rich, as well as funded terrorist cells(the same ones that caused the (9/11 attacks).


The first picture that I took was right as you enter the museum of Ronald Reagan. The picture is well light, with a stronger light coming from above giving a heavenly look to the photo. In addition the genuine smile that he gives off overall gives very nice and trustworthy  But in contrast communist or people who are considered enemies of the state such as Daniel Ortega, Hafez Assad, Muammar Gaddafi, Yasser Arafat, Fidel Castro, and Ayatollah Khomeini were put in a darker setting. All of them are look menacing, they are also all set in a dark lighting and the pictures themselves have a darker filter to them adding to the menacing look to the whole room and the men in the Photos.
While walking around the Museum there is a curved hallway that contain a few photo of President Ronald reagan with different people having a grand time. These images present him as a  average guy, while there is some truth to that you can not ignore the fact that he was an actor as well as one of our controversial presidents. But if you look at these picture you can see him playing mini golf in his office, or accepting gifts from boy scouts, and having laughs with the first lady. But it almost makes you forget about all of the bad things he did while in office that I have listed above. IMG_2271 IMG_2303 IMG_2284 IMG_2281 IMG_2280 IMG_2279 IMG_2278IMG_2271 IMG_2303 IMG_2281 IMG_2280 IMG_2279 IMG_2278