S Series…

All right part 2 of the almighty update. Last post was the F series, now we have the S series… brought to you by the K.lahs of SD they grew with me and helped me move myself in who I am. its been awhile since weve all been together but somehow we manage to pull ut off, and its even more troublesome this year as I soooooo far away…..

Sadly, I must move on to crazier subjects. Like Sunday Brunchs, Saturday night food hunts, Students learning english, oh the wonders of the S series. Lets start with the first festival we ecounter, the mid-autumn festival, or as I want to call it the Sad lantern day festival to fit the name. Oh, dont get me wrong it was a joyous festival just many falling lanterns with dreams being dashed into the river waters below. We lit a couple of them ourselves and watch them float and fly away. The bright glowing flower is mine! Amazing isnt it?(pictures below). It was an amazing time to watch the skies for any newcomer expats visiting chengdu to check out during September. Dont worry i got a few to bring home to people.

Next we had my big Splunking adventure up Mount Qingcheng. One of the big 5 daoist mountains. I was alone on this yrip and lets just say I was amazed as the beauty of its nature. I got too the top which only had alot of fog and clouds and coldness but it was awesome. I wanted to grab some amazing souvenirs but could not carry it all, so i took photos for your enjoyment. Find time to check it out whether for 1 day or a couple, camping is common there amongst the monks.

Then all the craziness had to slow down school was picking up faster and I had gotten a job to teach english. I attached a picture of a drawing my class drew together to explain an american story. It was fun to teach them but short lived, the boss who runned the place had too manu problems with her teachers, I do miss those kids. But now I enjoy my every other sunday tutoring and eating Brunch at the Lazy Pug. For all the foreigners out there coming to chengdu, make sure to st this happy couples restaurant and take the time to enjoy a meal. If you been gone as long as 3 weeks youll enjoy the sense of comfort this place gives you. They work well with some friends who own Mikes pizza kitchen, which i posted a picture of their restaurant on the last post. Much more to explain but ill save it for next time ;).